
Friday, June 26, 2015

I Embrace Many Styles of Eating

I think I got very mellow in my latter years. I don't get riled up like I used to. It takes a lot for me to become agitated. I don't like to rant or rave or try to coerce anyone to my way of thinking. We should all be able to share our views without fear of rejection, or humiliation.

I Like All Styles of Eating

I admire the vegan, vegetarian, meat eater, and the sweet tooth. They have chosen a way of eating that is tantalizing. I enjoy a good hamburger at a restaurant or a bean burger made by a vegan chef. I even have a positive reply when asked by a Vegan if I'm one of them?

"Are you vegan?"

"Yes," I will reply. "At least I am at this moment."

If a friend gives me a jelly bean cookie. I would readily take it with thanksgiving on my lips without shunning it away for its loaded sugar content. My mother taught me good manners. We should not act offensive or cruel in not accepting the hospitality of others.

I accept those who may not be so graceful as I am. There are those who refuse my cooked vegetable. They push them aside while saying, "Are you crazy. I am not eating that crap." I accept their refusal of my cooked vegetables. I even have some limits as to what I eat, myself. I will not eat cream corn. I hate the stuff. Don't get it near me. I might faint or pass out in horror. It tastes demonic. At least to me.

There are those who abject to killing animals for food. We have all seen the same movies. Bambi is left an orphan because some deranged hunter killed his mother. My favorite cartoon character is Mighty Mouse. Even today, I really don't like killing mice. In my mind, I'll always remember the mouse that came to save the day.

I remember a dialog from my favorite move called, Hombre:

Audra Favor: I can't imagine eating a dog and not thinking anything of it.

John Russell: You even been hungry, lady? Not just ready for supper. Hungry enough so that your belly swells?

Audra Favor: I wouldn't care how hungry I got. I know I wouldn't eat one of those camp dogs.

John Russell: You'd eat it. You'd fight for the bones, too.

Audra Favor: Have you ever eaten a dog, Mr. Russell?

John Russell: Eaten one and lived like one.

Audra Favor: Dear me.

I don't think people who eat meat are blood thirsty murderers. I don't place animals on the same level as men. I know a lot of us act like animals, but for most of us we are civilized and want to live moral lives. 

You might think it is strange but I think most animals serve the greatest good when they can be use as food. There is no greater sacrifice than to give their lives for humankind. By the shedding of their blood they keep most of us alive in order to make this world a better place. 

I do think that animals that are used for food should be killed in the most humane way. We should never torture any living creature. I know nature feels otherwise. Protected wildlife like cougars and eagles kill animals in sometimes the most gruesome way. 

If I was a salmon I would dread being eaten by a grizzly bear. Grizzly bears do not care for the way they kill a fish. 

Civilized men should be better than beasts when they kill their prey. We should kill swiftly with the least amount of prolonged agony.

I do have conviction about abandoning pets. If you do make a pet then you are responsible for them like you would any member of your family. You should never gain the trust of a animal and then violate it by cruel and inhumane behavior. I have many abandoned pets. If left on their own they would die in the harsh elements of Missouri. Our family gives them a home as best as we can with food and water. It looks like a zoo here at our place but someone must care for these abandoned animals. 

I was only going to write a short introduction for my bean burger recipe. The post is coming. Stay tuned for my great tasting bean burger. Vegetarians well be proud even though I used two eggs in the recipe.

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