
Saturday, June 6, 2015

JLD's Garden Habitats

My brother is a master gardener. Not in name but in action.  He not only talks agriculture, he is agriculture. He makes a living in agriculture. He is a California grower of lemons and avocados. If you visit his farm, you will not see him idling away doing nothing, he is hard at work and his garden demonstrates his awesome abilities.

Fillmore, California

Tomatoes plants can get unmanageable. Not for John. He uses bunchy cords to keep his plants from spreading outwards and down on the ground. Notice the wood mulch.

He plants enough corn so he doesn't have to plant again. It is better to thin out your corn than have few or none at all.

It looks like he is growing melons and training them to grow upwards. It's better having them grow upwards than to have them spread all over the place.

Asparagus is in the front and is done for the year. But what I like is the cactus. Looks like Nopales cactus. Look how huge.

It's one of my favorite plants: artichoke.  His garden is one healthy garden. Each habitat is inviting and makes you want to pull up a chair and enjoy the environment.

What a fruited apple tree. Sometimes in our work to grow vegetables we forget about our fruit trees. It pays to take care of our trees. To the right it looks like the greenest broccoli I have ever seen. Since broccoli is healthy for you, my brother must be super human from eating it.

Thanks for the pictures Bro. For those viewing, you too can produce the gardens of your dreams. All it takes is hard work and a will to try different things until something works. My brother gardens with compost and wood chips. His garden is awesome and I love all his garden habitats. 

This was just a sample of his large garden. He has more to show and maybe he will. 

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