
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It is Official: We Do Have Roots

My rooting experiment has worked. I do have growth.  I'm still not sure if they could have been small sucker shoots instead of a leaf tip.

Two plants out of six definitely have new growth. One fallacy I found was that you can root from small cuttings. They don't have to be from 6-8 inches in length. The two that did the best were the smallest cuttings.

I'm still not sure about trying to root a stem with two or three leaves. I say, plant a sucker if you can, but if you can't, try rooting all your clippings.

Why the Test?

Most garden things you read about on the internet are just being repeated by someone else. No one rarely doe the work of actually gardening. Writers usually write and do not garden. When you read information, look at the writers hands and face. Do they have soft white hands and unblemished skin?

Look at me: you'll find dirt under my nails, tanned skin, and a patch on the side of my face. Why the patch? It is the place where the sun has burned a hole in my skin. I'm trying to repair it, but so far I've had little success. A dermatologist once told me, "We need to keep an eye on that brown spot."

I hope I didn't frighten you. If it wasn't for juicing and eating vegetables, my skin would look a lot worse. The point I wanted to make is that if you work in the sun you will show signs of being out in the sun. Many with snow white completion who write on gardening are just not believable. 

I test most things I read about. I haven't done everything or will. But somethings like rooting sounds practical to me in obtaining free plants off of an existing garden plant.

Look at my plants again. I am so proud, I am a root-er (not to be confused with a fan)  and have proof to show it.

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