
Sunday, June 28, 2015

How I Use Cardboard for Weed Control

Whenever I go to the store, I get cardboard. It is the only sure way of controlling weeds. I place cardboard everywhere I want to smother grass or weeds.

I not only lay the cardboard down but I put more dirt and weeds on top.

My pathways get weedy very fast. It is because I have not used cardboard. When I clean up my pathways from the weeds I skim some of the dirt with the weeds included. I then lay it or toss it on the spot where I have laid my cardboard. This gives me a double effect. I smother weeds under the cardboard and also kill them on top of the cardboard, too.

It is also a very good idea to plant a cover crop over your recovered weed space. This will ensure that you might not have to reclaim the same space next year.

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