
Friday, June 19, 2015

Don't Eat the Skins

Today's harvest of organic potatoes 6/19/2015 

I always thought people were dumb for not eating the skins on their potatoes. I had often heard that it was the healthiest part. Then one day I made a discovery: 

I'm not trying to stir up trouble. Most experts say since potatoes are grown in the ground they should be protected from pesticides. I also realize that farmers need to do what they need to do. They can't be like me, spotting the offending insect and crushing them in my fingers. It would be too time consuming. It is easy to spray pesticides than have an uncontrolled storm of potato eating insects.

Potatoes grow near the surface. The pesticides does not have to travel far to reach the tubers. I would play it safe and not eat the so-called healthy skins when buying your potatoes. Better yet, grow your own potatoes. That's what I do. I keep getting the young tubers and the plant keeps supplying me with more organic potatoes.   

You might try buying organic potatoes but not according to Dr. Oz:

Buying organic potatoes are a waste of money according to OZ's research. Maybe we would have better luck at a farmer's market? However when it comes to making a buck, people will claim anything.

I don't mean to open up a can of worms but here is some more reading:

Maybe ignorance is bliss. Have you read the 1984 novel by Orwell? It's one I recommend. The world is collapsing at a fast pace and our food is contaminated. Knowledge has increased and the internet is harming a lot of people with truth. We need control and big brother is apt to do it. It's already working….Who am I? I am citizen 00074 and I want pesticides. Pesticides are goooooooood. I love potato skins.

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