
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Planting in the Hot Morning

In order to grow watermelons under some corn I had to work early  in the morning to prepare the soil.

Using cardboard is a good way at recovering weedy garden space. I laid my cardboard down on some tall grasses and then covered it up with unsifted clay soil. I then found the lowest depression and cut a hole large enough to use my 4" superdigger. I dug and filled the hole with my soil mixture and then planted my corn seeds.

I laid some spoiled hay around the hole so I would remember its location. It also makes good mulch.

Finding my corn seeds was easy to do when I have a special  container.  As long as I put the seeds back into the container, I know where to find them. I usually buy my seeds in the fall when they go on sale.

After my work was done and before it got too hot I hurried to see what new flower had bloomed this morning. 

I saw a daylily. 

I also saw a bloom on one of my small marigold plants. 

Every garden habitat gets their visitors. This dragonfly enjoys wheat tassels as much as I do. I called my daughter out to see our visitor and they became friends.

You never know what you will find in your garden habitats. 

Last night I added biochar oak leaf mulch to my onions. This batch was more like cooked leaves than biochar. At least it had no bugs in the mulch. It was very clean.

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