
Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's Alive: Chia Head Baby

I've never seen a chia head monster and I certainly don't believed in such a creature.  I have drawn pictures of one before but I never saw one. It's all make believe. At least that is what I thought.

I've heard the warnings about using hay bales, but I continued to use them anyway with no fear of them sprouting weeds. I do understand that gardeners want to grow in bales without a lot of weeds.

One day I experimented using a tiny straw bale I bought at a craft store. It was a simple experiment in growing. I soaked the bale in water and fertilizer but did not cook it in the sun.

I planted my seeds and then it happened: I saw what looked like chia growing from all sides of the bale (I actually brush on the wet chia seed and it sprouted). It was a hideous sight. This was the first time I saw chia growing on a bale.

I moved the chia straw bale outdoors hoping the sun would kill it. Minutes laterI mean minutes something terrible happened: IT GREW ARMS AND WAS BECKONING ME LIKE A CHILD WOULD FOR HIS FATHER.

I ran into the house and slammed the door shut. Was I insane or dreaming this? Then I heard a sound from outside. I went back outside to investigate. The little straw bale chia head was crying. In compassion I brought the little guy into my house.

He had this silly little grin and felt slimy as I picked him up. He spoke his first words as I carried him inside, "DA DA!

It was a mistake to bring the little guy indoors. He wanted to be the life of the party. He was the main attraction on one of my cabinets.

He even tried to make a friend with our dog Belle.

Belle was not too pleased.

He thought it was funny when he took a nap on our dinner table.

 He was a hit at my house and made plenty of friends.

So now I've seen a real live straw bale chia head. Many thought that hay bales become chia head monsters. However, I've seen a real one and it was made out of straw. He's really quite cute.

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