
Friday, June 26, 2015

Long Life Hall of Fame: Jeanne Calment

Jeanne Calment at the age of twenty

Jeanne Calment a Supercentenarian

Jeanne Calment, a French woman, lived to be 122 years old. Was it just the luck of the French that a woman in Arles lived to such an old age?

Many have shown pictures of Jeanne Calment smoking a cigarette but she was far from being a chain smoker at least in her later years. She smoked in moderation. It has been written that she only smoked one or two cigarettes a day. When I was young I lived near Los Angeles, CA and had inhaled more pollutants a day from smog than she ever did smoking by smoking one or two cigarettes a day.

Arles, France

Jeanne lived in Arles, France all of her life. It is an historical town situated in South of France. She knew very well the cobble stone streets that headed for the open air market. The market gives a mouthwatering experience to all its travelers. The market sells clothes, jewelry, and delicious foods. Along with the market you can find little shops and restaurants.

This open air market in Arles, France is not like supermarkets in Missouri (USA) that I am are used to. We are very limited in fresh produce. We do have farmer markets on roadsides but a lot of the produce freshness has degraded from setting in extreme hot temperatures (I've seen water melons setting in direct sun) for hours.

In this French market there are stands and stands of the most beautiful and colorful fruits, vegetables, spices, garlic, honey, meats, and cheeses. A traveler once stated, "This fabulous market was a feast for the senses!!   

Olive Oil the Magic Lotion of Life

Being able to eat delicious foods is an enabler to anyone desiring to grow old. Jeanne Calment was doing something for her health that many might have missed. Most reporters only concentrated on her smoking or eating chocolates. She was also an olive oil nut. I mean it in a good way. She ate it and used it on her skin.

 The Faith Connection

A lot of old people declare that it is their religious faith and belief in God that blessed them with old age. Jeanne Calment declared her faith in God when she made this statement after the death of her 97 year old brother, "God didn’t want there to be two hundred-year-olds in the same family, so it fell to me". She evidently believed in God. Another time she stated, "God has given me all I have asked of Him.”

Let's Have Fun While Growing Older

Jeanne Calment was a fun lady. She enjoyed life and having fun. “I had fun; I am having fun.” We should never lose our zest and enjoyment of life. We are on an adventure and we should gladly embrace it.

We can learn a lot from people like Jeanne Calment; people who show by example the way to grow old gracefully and beautifully. There are things we can do to become healthy and perhaps extend our lives. But we must never forget to always enjoy life to its fullest. If we do live longer, we want to do it in a wise way that makes old age worth living. 

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