
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Cauliflower as Big as Belle or is it Small like Belle?

I spend more time harvesting than I do anything else in the garden. I don't believe in going out in the hot sun and getting skin damage or age spots all over my face. I want it easy.

How do I weed? You're right there are weeds. If your're not using my techniques or ones like them you are going to be overcome with weeds. There are no such thing as a weedless garden unless it is growing in a concrete jungle or infertile ground. It is just plain stupidity that makes the claim of a weed free garden. You can control them, but it takes knowledge and know how.

Remember the rose with the worm. It is the one on the left. It is beginning to flower despite the damage to its lower pedals.

I am harvesting my second cauliflower. People can't make the claim that we can't garden when we have a camera. I've been soaking this cauliflower to see if any bugs are hidden away and float to the surface. Bugs do drown. So far no bugs. That is not to say I didn't have a worm or two. I found them early and then used Bt on my last three cauliflower. 

Good luck trying to find organic Bt at your neighbor garden center. I had to special order some last year from Home Depot. Whatever you do, get the powdered form. Who likes to spray? I use a brush and give the plants strokes of the stuff.

Photos can make things small or large depending on your skill. I use a tape measure to show its true size. Remember that to harvest cauliflower it must be 6-8 inches. I don't use trick shots of the camera when showing you my produce.

My photos of my vegetables are the real stuff without gimmick shots like the one above. Belle does make a nice picture.  I'm sure with shots like the one above many would come around with their inquiries. I grow to eat, not to show off. I like my vegetables small and tasty.

This was my harvest for today. Well I got to go and put my steamer on because I like to eat cauliflower. PS: In the zip lock bags are lettuce. 

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