
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I Love to Eat: 6/10/15

I tried prickly pear cactus pad with tomatillos sauce or the brand name Taco Bell Verde sauce. I didn't sear the pad this time. I cooked it on medium until it was done. I added chili powder and seasoning salt. After it was cooked I added the sauce with cheese. I served it on onion buns. I ate all this for lunch and I'm still hungry. Good food doesn't have much calories and you'll want to eat a lot of it.

I am getting to the place where I'll eat huge portions of food. I don't worry gaining weight. I eat because my body needs the nutrients. If I gain fat instead of muscle than I'm eating too much of the wrong kinds of foods and not enough of the good stuff.

I work out everyday with my dumbbell weights as I watch TV. I only do three sets of each exercise. If I'm sore the next day, it tells me that I need to eat more nutritious food in order to build up my muscles. Exercise tears down the muscle and food repairs them. Eventually this process makes us stronger and healthier. Even if we do exercise we still can be fat. Fat is made from a lot of different sources of food.

I like this link that explains why fat is mostly made by eating processed foods or what we call junk foods.

The only problem I have about eating the right kinds of food is that they do not satisfy me for very long. Now if I drink a glass of soda pop and eat some chocolate cookies they seem to satisfy my cravings. That bloated feeling from drinking soda pop extends my stomach and makes me feel full. Give me a  bag of chips and I'll be eating them throughout the day and I'll feel great. Junk foods are easy and convenient food that always tastes good.  What are we to do?

I don't think we need to ban ourselves from all the delicious junk foods. We need only to supplement our diet with more healthy foods. I think we can have the best of both worlds. Moderation is the key. No binge eating of any kinds of foods. If we eat only  junk foods, we will become obese. And if we only eat healthy foods, we will tire of eating it sooner or later and then we will depart from it altogether.

I know many knowledgeable people who would have us eat nothing but air. They soon teach us that everything we eat is bad for us. It is easy to find an experts that is down on every kind of food. I don't think we should be that bizarre in limiting ourselves to only a small assortment of foods. We should try to eat different foods without getting into a habit of eating only one type of food. I know many of us like pizza but do we need to eat it every night? I suggest we grow a garden and try eating foods that you might not have liked. Try home grown foods by making them more edible and enjoyable. Don't give up on them completely.

Many of my readers are glamorous and beautiful people. You got that way from eating a sensible diet. But are you too extreme? Can you eat pizza without feeling that you did something wrong? Do you constantly live a life of abstinence from your forbidden food desires? Let me free you to the realm of sweet pastries and fried chicken. Just don't over do it.  

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