
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Things Are Starting to Take Off.

I just finished mulching my corn patch. I spaced my corn further apart this year. I have always noticed the the closer the plants the smaller the ears of corn.

I used my unique leaf biochar mulch.

All my plants are starting to take off now that it is getting warmer.

This is one of my peppers growing in a leaf bale. It is starting to grow. It was in hibernation for weeks. The white stuff is Epsom salt. Peppers like it.

The Clematis is getting more blossoms.

Even wild flowers are showing off their beauty.

The hydrangea is starting to droop with its load of flowers.

The purple spirea keeps on blooming.

Everything like this butterfly is beginning to take off. Hold on to your eye balls, things are starting to beautify in our gardens and take off.

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