
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Carrots/ Flower bed/ Alfalfa/ and How You Might Become Rich by Selling Sex-Enhancing Plants

I grew two patches of carrots. One called nantes only grows 6" (not counting root growth). My bale is buried six inches underground. Will I get six inch carrots? It's an experiment. The other spot I am growing 10" carrots. I have no bale underneath. I just put a nice layer of soil on top.

I am sold on using old shower panels. They do speed up germination of seeds.

I am through with my flower bed. I could do more but I don't have the time. In back of my flower spots I scatter spring wheat. It should make a beautiful back drop for my flowers. At least there won't be weeds behind my flowers.

Since I don't want weeds to grow between my trenches, I use a cover crop. I use a lot of alfalfa and clovers. They fix nitrogen in the soil. I also can juice alfalfa or give it to my bunnies. It's better to have a plant like alfalfa growing next to my bales than a giant grass weed with roots that are entangled in the soil.

No bales in this old trench. The soil is so fertile that I have millions of weed seeds growing along side my lettuce, radishes, and carrots. I think I'll grow a cover crop of buckwheat or Rye after the season is over with. The depression must be a catch-all for floating weed seeds. Next year I'll turn over the cover crop. If I use the trench for bales, no need to do anything. Weeds can't grow in bales unless their spoiled and have soil in them. 

My twenty dollar epimedium sagittatum is doing great this year. Look at all those large healthy leaves. If I had an acre of this stuff, I'd be rich. Some year, I'm going to sell it on Ebay. I just hope it doesn't take 500 years to get a large crop. By all means grow plants that help people's sexual life and you'll become rich. Its a guaranteed fact that most men after sixty will have erectile dysfunction. Bob Dole, are you out there? I know you are 91,  I got this plant I want to sell you. 

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