
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

For the Sake of Gardening, Don't Do It

I made a small trench and decided to fill it up with leaves to see if it is a workable idea. Digging the hole was easy, it was stuffing the pit with leaves that was the big problem. It took forever.

I decided to use my chipper and see if I can get heavier, more solid chopped leaves and wood chips. When using my chipper, I had to first go miles away to buy fresh gas. I finally got my gas and tried to start the chipper. It was hard to start due to mice debris. After about ten pulls, I finally got the chipper started. As it idled, it kept blowing out mice debris.  

I placed the shredded leaves and wood chips into the small trench. It took forever. The work was horrendous. I'd rather make a quick bale than go through all the work of layering leaves into a trench. It will work all right if you have the time. But in my opinion, don't do it, get yourself a baler.

This alternative method will work if you leave the soil off the top and keep adding to the trench throughout the year. Use grass clippings, spoiled hay, straw, food scraps, and wood chips. Next year you will find your trench will be more manageable. You will have less shrinkage and you can grow in the same spot. Take it easy on grass clippings, it might make your trench to hot.

I did seem negative about this method of growing but after you use a baler you will see how effective it is that you will never go back to any other form of gardening

I know using a pine straw baler is man's work. But if I was a women and loved gardening I would make a smaller and more easier baler or buy one. Make something like my Honey Bee Baler.

I have a busy life style. I usually make one or more bales a day during the growing season. If I was smarter, I would have made all my bales in the fall and winter. You could have them ready to go when spring comes around.

Making bales are easy and fun. I thinkf I might start adding wood chips to my bales. When you make them yourself, you can add anything.

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