
Sunday, April 26, 2015

I Did It Straw Bale Gardeners

I grew a plant in cardboard. There was no magic that I needed to buy a $20.00 book just to learn how. What is the magic ingredient? It's called soil. You can create your own with fertilizers, potash, bone meal with a touch of potting soil or just use ordinary soil. I have my own soil mixture that I explain in my gardening books.

"Conditioning the bale"  is just a fancy term straw bale gardeners use for saying, "I am making compost in my bale so I can grow a plant." It takes a strong hand to make holes in straw bales in a bale not fully conditioned.

My way adds the soil into the bale with a planting hole previously made. I bury the bale to insure that my bales are drenched with moisture. Not like in a conventional straw bale garden. Why? Bales shed off moisture in dry barren conditions. Bales will become moist with a city supply of water and hours of drenching. That's why I bury my bales. I let nature drench my bales with a little help by me at times they need it.

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