
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Today's Gardening

Last year I had a border of hay bales around my potato patch. I also buried hay bales giving me a raised bed. This year the ground has plenty of humus with very little weeds. Most of my weeds encroach upon my bed by way of yard.

This is a piece of an old elm wood stump that used to be in my potato bed. Like I said in my first book, "Hay Bale Gardening," You can cover old stumps up with hay and soil and they will erode away.

In my first book I tell you how to make a neat garden fence. It alone is worth the price of the book. Look at my fence. When I trim, the trimmer cuts smoothly against the landscape timber.

I planted my first pepper plant today. Like I said before, I am using nothing but leaves in my bales.
So instead of saying, "Join the hay bale revolution," I now say, "Join the leaf bale revolution." 
Those leaf bales are slow at decomposing. I could probably grow in the same bale next year. All I need to do is clean out the growing hole with my superdigger

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