
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Leaf Gardening

The leaf bale is one of the best bales. It's long lasting and become expensive leaf mulch. I have so many leaves from last year that I might not make many more hay bales. 

I have been making smaller bales this year with my home baler. For those who don't t know, I use a pine straw baler for gardening. I also use a hay bale compressor that enables me to make smaller bales. You really don't need large bale to garden with. That reminds of the straw bales I seen at Menards for five dollars a piece. They were really large bales. If Menards can sale straw bales for five dollars than my small leaf bales should be worth six dollars.

I used about a third of my baler to make this leaf bale. I emptied one load of leaves into my baler and added my PVC pipe.  I then added another load from my large green garbage can on top of the PVC. I tied off the bale and was done. 

I dug a hole and placed the bale. I added dirt around the sides and tamped the soil with a 2 X 4. I also used the short piece of wood to tamp the soil medium in the middle. If you don't tamp, your plant might sink.

I planted bachelor buttons next to my marigolds but that's not all. There was a space between  my bales needed my superdigger. The superdigger made a nice clean hole between my bales. I used the hole and filled it up with my soil medium and then planted my flower seeds.

I'm having so much fun. I can't wait to go outside and create more of my garden. I had so much soil left over from digging a hole in a mulch spot that I planted a little lettuce garden using the extra dirt on top of spoiled hay.

MONEY MAKING IDEA: Make bales with bottoms and add soil medium to them. Plant and grow something in your bale. Sale the bale with the plant in the bale. Also give instructions on how to bury your bale. Make even smaller bales than I use so that your customer can easily bury it.

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