
Sunday, April 5, 2015

From Salad Mound to Salad Ground

You probably can't see it, but this is my renewed spot for lettuce, radishes, and salad pea vines. I used the spot where I had a salad mound last year. I put on top soil and then sowed the seed. I then covered the seed with some potting soil.

I used this old shower pane of glass to help germinate the seeds and keep the birds from digging into the soil.

Each year our garden become richer and richer. Our methods might be different but we can use the same places for growing our food.  If we have problems with insects, we can do alternate plantings.

It has been recommended not to grow potatoes in the same spot each year due to potato scab. I never had a problem growing in the same place. The soil keeps getting better as the year goes by.

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