
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Double Planting Leaf Bale

With a pine straw baler you can make double planting bales. I use a large green trash can and fill it up with leaves. I put one load in first and then add my PVC pipe. I add another load of equal proportions on top of the PVC pipe. Then I add the second PVC pipe and finish it off with another load of leaves.

Dried leaves expand a little on the edges but most of the leaves stay tightly together in the bale. I now have two planting holes within one bale. I plant on the ends of the bales and it gives me three to four plants for one bale.

My next plantings will be without bales. I will dig out a trench and fill it with spoiled hay, leaves and maybe even cardboard. Stay tuned for more coming information.

In this old flower bed, I am regaining ground. Instead of weeds, I am growing flowers. In the front edges you will find short-foot high flowering plants. Somewhere in the back of the bed towards the house will be the larger 2-3 foot plants.

Very few weeds will grow on top of bales. If they do, they will be easy to pull up due to their shallow roots. My bale habitat will not give the weeds a foot hold. Weed do not like organic bales.

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