
Sunday, April 12, 2015

What's Going on at My House

Yesterday, Saturday the 11th, I went to Buffalo City Expo in Missouri. Every business it seems were giving away candy. Yes, I eat healthy foods and sweets. I have the best of both worlds. I even drink pop on occasion.

I went to a Medical help (CMH) booth that recommends health care for men and women of all ages. "I don't go to doctors," I blurted out. I probably should have explained what I meant. You see, I got nothing against the medical profession, I like the way the medical professional treats their patients. They are so nice when you go to visit with them.  We I go to the hospital they even give me soda pop to drink. They have some nice people in the medical profession. Okay, so it's not the medical profession I'm against. It is the bill that you get after your wonderful visit. Now you know, I can't afford medical help or even qualify for Obama Care. 

Well anyway, these nice ladies at the CMH booth told me that I did not look my age. Boy, did that boost my ego. I felt like I did become younger in only two months of juicing and exercising. I'm one of those seasonal exercisers and fitness gurus that do it for a while and then fade away from it in the cold winter months. Not any more. I know my stuff and I am out to regain my youth in all seasons and I want to take you with me. So God help us to help ourselves and to keep us motivated.


What am I doing with that ice tray? I am preparing for the winter with ice cubes of juice. Three small cubes makes an ounce. I'll freeze the juice and empty them in a zip lock bag. When winter comes along, I'll be ready with my frozen juice to add to water. 

Let's go over juicing again, what do I juice? Three plants are very important at this time of year. 

Dandelion, alfalfa, and mint or oregano. You can also add garlic if you like. By all means, don't add apples, or fruits with your drinks. Learn to drink it bitter. Not straight, but with a cup of water. Let the bitterness remind you of medicine. Open one of your prescription capsules and you'll know what I mean. All good medicines tastes bitter. 

HINT: Seek your doctor's advice in juicing powerful herbs. They might interfere with the medicines that you take.   

Another good reason not to sissify your drinks (Sissify is my new word that means to act cowardly or weakly). Basically what I'm trying to say is this: become a brave man or woman that can drink bitter flavors without doctoring them up. You'll never know, drinking herbs might save your life someday when the grocery shelves go empty. Anyway, those who sissify their drinks will soon not drink their juices at all. To make something that is bitter to taste sweet and delicious takes a lot of work. It is the work that will keep many from continuing the practice of juicing. Things got to be easy and quick or we will not do them. 

HINTS: Don't wash your juicer with soap. Rinsing it with water is all that needs to be done. If you don't like cranking a juicer buy one that runs by an electric motor. Not all juicers are alike. I have two kinds, one for grass/herbs and one for soft vegetables: Centrifugal Juicer and Wheat Grass Juicer. Buy them both. 

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