
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Crop Circles

In the past some gardeners thought I was into square feet gardening. I did have pretty much everything together. This year is different. I want space. The salad mound is the largest circle followed by corn. I like to water the corn. All I do is aim the hose at the funnel until it is full. It takes a minute and I'm done. The water is directed to the corn and slowly seeps into the planting hole.

I dug up some planted corn seed to see if it was sprouting. I had used two year old seed. At first I did not find them in the soil. I looked again and found all three. They all had roots.

I use these Fiskars to prune my small tree saplings and then I run the trees through my chipper.

Chipped wood and hay is a must for trees. Professional gardeners use plenty of mulch to keep their trees from drying up in the hot summer.

Many gardeners use landscape fabric. I saw some used that had unwanted plants still growing through the fabric. Fabric doesn't last forever and neither does manually weeding with a hoe.

I make biochar from a standard garbage can I bought at Menards. I am amazed how little ash is left after more than two hours of burn. It's weird that when I place my biochar can in the barrel the garbage burns safely. If you take the biochar can out, the wind swirls inside the can and the flaming garbage flies out of the barrel. 

This is my old trash burner. It worked okay but not like my barrel. I'll never go back to the old days of burning in this rock burner.

When the sun goes down I know it is about eight o'clock. Who needs a watch when you have sun to go by. Apple sells a watch that has many functions. I'd rather not wear a watch and go by the sunset. 

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