
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Let's Juice Marijuana

Marijuana is becoming very popular today. Where-as you could have spent time in jail in the past, now in some states it is legal to use it for your personal enjoyment. Secular Governments are sure fickle minded. Is it bad to use pot, or is it not?

Some laws are just a big sham perpetuated on the American public. It seems like big governments don't care about us. They only seek to manipulate us by their state conditioning in order to fill their coffers.

Marijuana is a plant that has possibilities to be misused or to have beneficial uses. Did you know you can juice the leaves of Marijuana. Look at this site:

People have reported cures from using the plant:

Just because some people sniff glue does not mean we must criminalize its use. If a child wants to drink a can of oil, should we ban automobiles?

I'm not for getting high and killing people on the highways. But I am for giving people the herbs they need for healing. We need to clarify our laws as to what is criminal behavior and what is not. Your state law makers are not always right and we should let them know it. If we do nothing, our vegetable gardens will also be banned. All it takes is someone dying from smoking a tomato plant.

This world is getting crazy and we need to shout out common sense reasoning. Maybe its not too late.

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