
Saturday, April 18, 2015

No More Watering? Part 1

Face it! Most land cannot grow crops without loads of water. I read a post the other day about a gardener who had a heck of a time growing without loads of water. He moved to Oregon just to find he couldn't water due to his well kept going dry. He kept moving, until now he says he has the answer to gardening with less water. By reading his article there seemed to be no solution other than by moving to place to place looking for a bountiful water supply. At least he didn't share his solution, you have to buy his book.

I like my small gardening idea of growing in trenches or canals with hay bales but what about a dry barren field that is succumbed to weeds and tree saplings? Is there a way to water a garden plant in such severe conditions without having an available water source?

Everyone has heard of Johnny Appleseed. It is interesting to note that he just didn't dig a hole in the ground and plant a seed and then left it unattended, "he created numerous nurseries by carefully selecting the perfect planting spot, fencing it in with fallen trees and logs, bushes and vines, sowing the seeds and returning at regular intervals to repair the fence, tend the ground and sell the trees."

I like to be like the Johnny Appleseed. Going around making garden nurseries in the wild. Wouldn't you like to plant seedlings in barren ground and later return to harvest your crops. I think it is impossible in most conditions but it might be fun to try to grow a garden plant that is self sustaining.

First we need to find the seed that does the best with less water or what we call drought tolerant.  
Some vegetables require less water than others. Or we could just use the seeds we have and hope for the best.

I have an idea that I will be sharing in the coming weeks to come. It might work or not.

Objective: I want to be able to grow a pumpkin plant that needs very little watering. I want to be able to plant it in a barren spot and have it survive through the drought of summer and give me a large pumpkin in the fall. Maybe I'll also try a watermelon plant. How will I water my plants? I'll leave you a clue and give you more detail later on.

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