
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lettuce Boat

I made this boat out of my Honey Bee Baler. I first tried dried field hay but it was too stiff. I then used green yard grass that is about three feet high. I used my scythe. I made the bale with using a 4" PVC pipe down the middle of baler. I compressed it with my hands around the pipe. My little baler doesn't have a top. I really don't need one. It is the tightness of the twine that make for a tight bale. I hooked the twine through the cable fasteners after adding the grass and then tied it off.

The final step was to tie the ends after shaping it like a boat. I'm going to try to sell it for two dollars after it grows. The good news is that even if it doesn't sell, I'll have more lettuce to eat.

The perfect baler for small plant/bale sales has not built yet. It needs to make small bales and yet be strong.

Total investment in item for sale is s 10 cents. I was able to buy Black Simpson lettuce for only 20 cents at Walmart.

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