
Monday, April 20, 2015


I took a family member to the hospital the other week. While I was there I went to the snack room where it is filled with all kinds of vending machines. You can find soda, water, coffee, and tea. In another vending machine you'll find Doritos, snack crackers and all kinds of candy bars. We are blessed at the hospital to have  a varied food choice when it comes to snacks. Our hospital knows what we want us to be satisfied.

Many of us will spend a great amount of time in hospitals as we grow older. Our diet is confirming our appointment that we will sooner or later have that visit with a doctor.  Most people are overweight. If we were not overweight we would probably be dead by now. You see, we have to eat. Not because we are addicted to foods, but because we are literally starving to death with the grocery foods that are offered to us. It is the mad circle of life. In order to get the nutrients to survive, we must eat more and more food. We truly have an insatiable appetite for foo . Not because we are gluttons but due to the fact that our body is making us want to eat more. We need food for bodily repair, energy and life sustenance.

As we grow older, the weight that we gained will also try to kill us. We eat more and more, but our food is geared to making us fat and unhealthy. We soon are like magnets attracting all kinds of disease. We are told by experts to eat more vegetables and yet the solution to our ills are far from our reach.

We can grow healthier foods than what we get at the supermarket but it alone is not the solution. We need year round nutrition. Not seasonal nutrition. That is why I'm an advocate for juicing. I found a great site that explains  juicing wheatgrass. Not grass from the field but wheat seed (the kind you grind for flour). You simply grow wheat indoors and then juice it when its large enough. You don't have to juice it now in the springtime, but in the winter it will give you the nutrition you need.

Right now, I am still juicing my mixture of dandelion, oregano, mint, green garlic, and alfalfa. It tastes like ....(bad) but I'd rather drink a health tonic than take drugs. You really only need to take about 2-3 fluid ounces a day. When you drink your mad herbal concoction add water to it and try not to taste it.

I'm sorry there is not a better solution for health. Grocery food and exercise is not enough. Unless your a full time cook and can prepare great healthy
meals, you are left with drinking my elixir or one of your own. When your garden is producing you could probably lay off the juice for a while. But when winter comes, start growing wheatgrass.

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