
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My New Corn Growing Technique

Problem: I used to grow corn in a row. The corn grew alright but would fall over in a torrential storm. I would literally have to put up fence posts and rope to help keep the stalks  upright. I never found a way to solve the problem until possibly now. At least it is worth a try. This is my own new technique and I hope it works. Only time and many storms will tell.


1. Take a double piece of cardboard and cut a hole in the middle. Most cardboard boxes are double pieces of cardboard if you don't fold them out.

2. Make or find a level piece of garden space that has weeds and grass. Cover the spot with your cardboard.

3. Now use your superdigger and dig down a ways through the hole. Dig at least 5". Add your special blend of soil mixture into the hole and tamp it down.

3. Add clay topsoil around edges of the cardboard. Step down on the clay soil and make sure it is packed around the edges of the cardboard. Leave a few inches of just cardboard around hole. It should look like a funnel around the hole.

4.  Plant your seed and watch it grow. Grow your plants close to each other for effective pollination.


A. The cardboard will smother out the weeds or grass, leaving only the dead roots. The dead roots will be food for the worms and support for your corn stalks. Have you ever notice that corn stalks like to fall over in a strong windy storm? This technique will prevent the corn from falling over. The hole will give added nutrients to the plant and the surrounding hard soil, compacted with dead grass roots, will anchor your corn to the ground.

B. No tilling. Tilling loosens up the soil. We want the corn to anchor to the hard soil.

C. Use of unused garden space.

D. The funnel you made with the dirt around the edges of cardboard will hopefully prevent sow or pill bugs from living under the cardboard. The funnel will also help in watering. The water will funnel down to your corn stalk.

E. Cardboard will help prevent grass or weeds from extending their roots deep into the ground. It should be easy to weed.

F: It's really easy to do.


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