
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Nice Day for Gardening

Here in Missouri we can always use rain.

Leaves are a perfect way to cover up weeds and smother them. My way of landscaping is easy. Little plants at the front and taller plants in the back towards the house.

I hate to mow grass. Not because of the work; I like the beauty of clover and other plants growing in the yard. 

The potato bed will have a border or fence of garlic and onions. This bed is only a few yards from the back of my house.

The big twigs that did not turn into biochar I use as mulch around my plants.

The growing technique for cucumbers is growing them on a trellis. Cucumbers get bitter when the temperature goes beyond 80 degrees. They say if your cucumbers get bitter, they are done for the season. I choose to differ. I'm going to place my cucumbers in this cool trench as they form. I believe if the cucumbers are kept cool they will not grow bitter. This year I am going to find out for sure if that is the correct way to grow cucumbers. Otherwise in Missouri, you shouldn't grow them. Our temperature reaches the high temperatures all the time and the cucumbers are always bitter when grown on a trellis.

My strawberry plants are starting to flower. How many strawberries will I get this year? Don't forget to sell some of your plants when they start having strawberries. Every new start should be looked upon as money in the bank. Next year people will not be able to resist buying your potted or hay bale plants when they are loaded with fruit. Fresh food will no longer be picked and sold. In the hay bale revolution  you will sell the whole plant. Join the Revolution and begin to make money.

I just picked up a bale from my pool. It was light and ready for transport. You could put them in a box so they won't dirty up someone's car.  "I'll have four of those strawberry bales. When will cherry trees in bales be available?" 

I'm going to sell my bales for five dollars. They are plants that keep on giving. The price for a pound of strawberries in the store cost $2.50. If you buy the plants they will cost you about $1.50- $3.99 a piece.

Get my baler plans for only $3.00. I'll send you a PDF and you can begin building it and joining the Revolution.

For the price of soda pop, you can begin a life of adventure, in growing the hay bale way.

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