
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Freeze Scare and Leaf Mulch

A family member relayed a weather alert. She said, "It's going to freeze tonight." I went to work covering my plants with plenty of leaves. I even filled buckets of leaves and put them on my plants. It was hard work but I was willing to save my plants from the spring frost. 

Later that evening I viewed the weather information for myself and found out it was for another location. Not even where I lived. Well it was too late to do anything now. I already put in the work.

Sure enough there was no freeze. I went out at 7:30 am and went to uncover the leaves. What I found on some of seedling was disgusting. Sow and Pill bugs took big chunks out of my small plants. The leaves gave them a warm cover to enjoy a nice dinner.

People use mulch all the time. And then it hit me. I used hay mulch on my potatoes last year and I had problems with it. I remembered I had thousands of pill and sow bugs eating the undergrowth of my plants. Mulch might help you from constant watering but it also gives a home to unwanted bugs.

If I'm going to use mulch, I think I will use wood chips or bury the mulch in the ground. I don't know about  you, I am going to rethink about using a top layer of leaf or hay mulch.

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